Performing a vitamin D test with a drop of blood from the finger

Vitamin D Testing

Are you suffering from low energy or mood, severe panic attacks or a chronic disease such as diabetes, osteoarthritis, or cancer? When was the last time you had your vitamin D levels checked?

When I work with clients, I always want to see their recent vitamin D test results since rectifying vitamin D levels can be an easy 'quick win' when we experience any physical or mental health issues including chronic pain.

Grieving people need to watch out for vitamin D deficiency even more. Why? Because vitamin D works together with magnesium which gets depleted quite rapidly when we suffer from emotional stress and trauma. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that vitamin D levels tend to be low in grieving people who don't take a regular vitamin D supplement.

A different dosage for everyone

However, what dosage each of us needs, depends on a lot of different factors such as:

  • Our weight: Overweight and obese people need more vitamin D.
  • Where we live: In the UK for example, we don’t produce any vitamin D from sunlight between September and the beginning of May.
  • How we protect our skin: Clothes and sunscreen prevent sunlight from getting through to the skin.
  • How much time we spend outdoors: Many of us spend most of the summer daylight hours working indoors.
  • Our diet: Following a low-fat diet makes it difficult to absorb this fat-soluble vitamin.
  • Our current health issues: Our liver and kidneys need to function well to be able to convert vitamin D into its active form.
  • Our genetic makeup: Some people have problems getting vitamin D into the cells where it needs to be to exert its many functions.

As you can see from this - non-exhaustive - list of factors that can contribute to low levels of vitamin D, determining the correct dosage of supplementation needs to be done by a qualified nutritionist who will take all these factors and your recent test results into account.

I provide this service both as part of my 1:1 support programmes and as a standalone offering.

What steps to take next?

To get your vitamin D levels checked before seeing me, simply follow these steps:

1. Book an appointment with your GP for a free vitamin D test or, if in the UK, order a home test kit online from 

2. If you're carrying out the test yourself, watch this video for step-by-step instructions on how to do it at home. 

3. Book a ‘First Steps Grief Support’ session with me to discuss how we can work together to address your current health challenges. Based on the results of your vitamin D test, I may refer you back to your GP to speed up correcting your vitamin D levels with a high-dose vitamin D supplement prescription.