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Our Body’s Response to Emotional Stress: Unveiling Hidden Causes of Common 'Grief' Symptoms
Are you puzzled by the myriad of grief symptoms you are experiencing?
When we lose a loved one, our intense emotions trigger a massive stress response with wide-ranging repercussions on our mental, emotional but also physical wellbeing.
In this newsletter, I explore the underlying causes behind our diverse symptoms and share valuable tips on how you can help yourself feel better.
Get ready to be inspired and empowered
Tomorrow at 2pm, I will be speaking at this exciting free virtual gathering, and I want to give you a sneak peek of what you can expect:
the underlying factors that may be contributing to your health issues and gain insights to address them effectively.
valuable tips on how to enhance the quality of your diet and optimise your digestion to improve your overall well-being.
will also provide essential supplement recommendations to support your physical, mental and emotional well-being during this difcult time.
Join from the comfort of your home, ofce, or on the go.
Don't miss an incredible lineup of speakers who will be sharing their expertise and insights. Prepare to be inspired by Dr. Sydney Baker, Aletta Søresen, Monique Derouen, Christine Clifton, Amanda Ole Jarz, Eliana Barosco, Dr. Lj Johnson, and Amani Kaite.
P.S. Wondering who these amazing women are?
Sign up here to nd out
No time to join my talk? Read my blog instead.
In this article, I explore the often-overlooked link between emotional stress and the surprising physical manifestations that typically emerge weeks after a major loss.
Don't fall for the common misconception that time alone can heal these symptoms; unaddressed imbalances can lead to more serious conditions months -or even years -later.
Time to watch a webinar?
Grief takes a tremendous toll on our digestive strength. Loss of appetite, difculty swallowing, digestive discomfort, and other challenges are common during times of profound grieving.
That is why in this webinar, I am sharing many insights and practical tips so that you understand how best to support your digestive system during this difcult period.
By incorporating these strategies, you can take proactive steps towards nurturing your overall well-being and nding some relief from the emotional rollercoaster of grief.
Would you like my help in addressing your grief symptoms?
After witnessing rsthand the devastating impact of unaddressed imbalances and the role grief played in my husband's leukemia, I have become deeply passionate about helping others prevent serious illnesses.
It is disheartening when consultants attribute such conditions to mere bad luck, when in reality, there are often underlying imbalances that are being ignored.
I rmly believe that by addressing grief symptoms effectively, we can prevent them from escalating into something more severe.
To explore how we can work together in addressing your symptoms, I invite you to book a complimentary 30-minute chat with me. This conversation will provide an opportunity for us to discuss your unique situation and determine the best approach to support your well-being.
If none of the slots work for you, simply email me at
Sabine Horner
77 Milleld Lane, York 07539347643
United Kingdom
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