Sabine Horner, Nutritionist, Ayurvedic Health Coach and Grief Yoga Therapist, York, UK

How I Learned to Embrace Life Again

Hi! I'm Sabine, a qualified Nutritionist and Yoga Therapist on a mission to empower bereaved people who lack the energy, motivation, or practical skills to look after themselves well.

I have been where you are now and I can help you eat more regular nutritious meals, improve your energy, stabilise your mood, reduce anxiety, combat brain fog, and sleep better so that you can regain control of your life and start to 'truly' live again after your devastating loss.

My Journey and Qualifications

My husband died of acute myeloid leukemia several years ago. His disease prompted me to pursue my lifelong interest in food as medicine, and I decided to study Nutrition Science & Practice, leveraging my background in translation to navigate scientific literature on treatment options, cancer diets, and gut health.

Soon after, I discovered the powerful techniques of Kundalini yoga and enrolled on a teacher training course to give Kevin the best support going through his stem cell transplant. Due to serious complications, he died four months after the treatment.

This is when Kundalini yoga became my anchor.

Today, I am proud to be a member of the British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT) and registered with the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC). I am also a fully qualified Yoga & Ayurvedic Therapist, blending ancient healing wisdom with modern science to support holistic healing after profound loss.

My personal journey through loss and healing has given me unique insights that I now use to support others on their path to recovery from the - often underestimated - impact that grief has.


My Approach

I firmly believe that good nutrition and stress management play a crucial role in how well we navigate the ups and downs of grief. By avoiding blood sugar rollercoasters on top of emotional ones, we can cope much better with all the turmoil, overwhelm, and chaos.

Through my own experience, I discovered how profoundly our food choices and eating habits can affect our emotional state. I noticed that I was much more likely to feel anxious, irritable, depressed, or generally unbalanced when I was not able to get the ‘happy’ food I would normally eat or when I skipped a meal because I couldn’t be bothered.

Changing habits is never easy, especially in times of grief. That's why I offer both practical and emotional grief support to help you:

  • Establish new eating & lifestyle habits
  • Develop effective stress management techniques
  • Create a personalised eating plan and daily routine that supports your healing
  • Make sense of the physical and emotional changes you're experiencing

We'll work together at your own pace, focusing on small, manageable changes that can make a big difference in how you feel and function day-to-day.

Take the Next Step

Grieving can feel very lonely, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. I offer different ways for you to connect with like-minded people and find the community support that makes all the difference. And as a wonderful side effect, you might even discover a love for cooking or meditation - just as I did.

One small step can change your life

Are you ready to share your story with someone who truly listens and understands? Book a free ‘First Steps Grief Support’ session with me today. In this session, we'll discuss your current challenges and explore how we can work together to rebuild your energy and improve your overall wellbeing, one step at a time.

I'd love to connect with you and support you on your unique journey!

Much love,


I really enjoyed your teaching today. Got so much out of it. Your gentle reflective flow was perfect for 7am. Your knowledge is vast and I liked the holistic approach, lots of pranayama, breath awareness and use of mudras and band. Most of all I loved the time given generously to each practice. And time to reflect on the benefits afterwards.
You are inspirational. I particularly enjoy hearing about food/spice effect on the body as I am suffering with arthritis currently. It’s so interesting learning what influences our wellbeing.
Hi Sabine, just wanted to say it was lovely to meet you, and thank you for all your information regarding nutrition. I’m going to try and do your stew tomorrow and I’m ordering some vitamin D. So it’s a start. Take care and speak soon x
That was amazing. Thank you! I feel much calmer and grounded in my body. I am definitely interested to learn more.
Hi Sabine! I just want to say thank you for your Facebook posts and videos. I always find the nutrition and meditation tips very helpful having become a widower after losing my wife Sue in traumatic circumstances. It is inspirational to see your positive messages with practical tips. They make a real difference.
Thank you for always trying to support bereaved people with the very basic need of looking after ourselves .... something we don't always do!
Lizzie and I are so grateful to have had Sabine's gentle guidance for the families we support, you can learn more here in a wonderful Podcast we did with her - Sabine's knowledge is vast and with her gentle deliverance she is the perfect person to support anyone with self care during grief.
Stag Direct Cremations
Thank you for this. I lost my husband almost 6 months ago. I’m finding your videos so helpful even if I don’t always comment.
After what you were telling me about the importance of nutrition I've made some changes to my diet and I've started taking vitamin D and magnesium supplements. I noticed improvements in myself immediately: the anxiety has gone, I have more energy and I've even started being able to exercise again. So, thank you for your guidance and advice; I feel that it has helped a great deal.
Message to WAY: Sabine wrote an article on Grief and its Impact on our Digestion - please pass on huge thanks for her knowledge on this subject - I’m not young but my husband died two years ago - a year later I suffered chronic constipation and brain fog (which I didn’t understand) and two CT scans and a colonoscopy later there was no answer. The good news is I’m getting better and Sabine’s article put all this into context and I can’t tell you how much better I felt having read her article - every doctor's practice should have a Sabine!

I am also fully committed to these groups:

Ambassador & Blog Writer For AtaLoss

I am proud to serve as an ambassador for AtaLoss, an award-winning bereavement signposting charity, dedicated to providing timely, appropriate and effective support to bereaved people in the interests of their overall wellbeing. As one of their regular blog writers, I try to raise awareness of the many ways in which grief can impact our health, and share practical strategies for nurturing ourselves after a devastating loss. is the UK's signposting and information website for bereaved people

Wellbeing Community For Grieving Partners

Navigating life after the loss of your partner? Join this community for a wealth of support, including easy self-care routines, stress management tips, impactful nutritional advice, coping strategies for meal planning, cooking, and grocery shopping, plus quick & tasty recipes, and inspirational cooking videos. My aim is to strengthen your resilience amidst turbulent emotions and improve your overall wellbeing. Together, we can do this!

Wellbeing Community For Grieving Partners | Facebook

Area Contact For York (Widowed & Young)

As area contact for WAY, a UK organisation supporting young widows and widowers, my aim is to create a close-knit community for bereaved partners in York and surrounding area. My role is to welcome new members, guide them towards WAY’s support systems and help organise local events where members can connect, form bonds and find new friends for life who get it. Join us today to share laughter and tears with us.

WAY Widowed and Young