Welcome to my blog!

Here I am sharing everything I have learned about navigating grief as a bereaved partner by delving deep into modern research and the ancient healing wisdom of Ayurveda. By reading my articles, I hope you will find the answer to your questions about grief and how it impacts our health in many different ways. 

My hope is that by sharing my personal experience and learnings, you will feel less exhausted, overwhelmed and confused and gain all the understanding you need to start making simple yet important changes to your daily habits that will help you regain control of your health, and therefore, reclaim your life.

Remember, you're not alone on this journey. I'm here with you every step of the way.

Easter eggs

Easter is just around the corner and with it, chocolate in abundance. It’s enough to melt away anyone’s good intentions and binging on chocolate feels almost inevitable. 
Of course, chocolate is available all year round. The trouble starts when there’s too much chocolate, lurking within easy grasp at supermarket entrances or aisles. With this much temptation, it is easy to eat too much in one go, then feeling utterly miserable.  
Not only because we feel guilty and like a ‘failure’ for lack of willpower; No. The main reason is the constant, unabating blood sugar rush and its impact on our body, mind, and emotions.  

Blood sugar rollercoaster

Rapid spikes and sudden drops in blood sugar destabilise our mood and our - often hard-won - emotional balance when we are grieving. And they also cause dips in our energy levels and concentration. Ever heard of brain fog? Persistently high or fluctuating blood sugar levels play a big part in it. 
But rest assured. I am not here to tell you to give up chocolate altogether. Especially not around Easter time. 😊 
Chocolate is one of the most popular comfort foods and, raw cocoa, its main ingredient, actually has some well-researched health benefits. Of course, only when consumed in moderation! 

Cocoa powder

But how do we navigate the sea of chocolate without succumbing to blood sugar chaos? Let's explore some tips to indulge sensibly while savouring every delicious moment.

Quality Over Quantity 

When it comes to chocolate, quality reigns supreme. Opt for darker varieties with a higher cocoa percentage to minimise sugar intake and maximise flavour. Brands like Green & Black's offer decadent options with less sugar, ensuring a smoother ride for your blood sugar levels.

Limit Access 
It's all too easy to lose track of chocolate consumption when it's readily available. Take charge by limiting the amount of chocolate you bring into your home and politely discouraging friends and family from showering you with sweet gifts. Regaining control of your chocolate intake starts with setting boundaries.

Plan for Success 

Prepare for the Easter festivities by stocking your pantry with healthy, fibre-rich options. Having nutritious alternatives readily available makes it easier to resist the allure of chocolate overload and maintain balanced eating habits.

Pair with Protein 

Pairing chocolate with protein is a smart strategy to moderate its effect on blood sugar levels. Save Easter eggs for dessert and have yours after a protein-rich dish to slow the speed at which sugar enters the bloodstream. Or choose chocolate varieties that include nuts, offering a smoother ride on the blood sugar rollercoaster.

Follow this link to 7 delicious chocolaty treats you can indulge in guilt-free without triggering a complete sugar chaos: 

Guilt-Free Chocolate Treats

Remain in Control

Make sure your decision to eat chocolate is a conscious one. Don't take orders from an Easter egg! Choosing when and how much you eat, puts you back in control.  

Enjoy Chocolate Mindfully 

Above all, savour the chocolate you indulge in! Small amounts of high-quality dark chocolate can leave you feeling satisfied and uplifted while larger amounts of the cheap stuff has the opposite effect. How would you rather feel? 🤔 

Moving Forward: Overcoming Overindulgence

If you find yourself overindulging during Easter, don’t dwell on it. Say: "It's done, it's in the past and I choose to move on". Avoid prolonging feelings of guilt or regret and return to having less snacks and treats once the holiday is over.  

Delicious Hazelnut Brownies

Delicious Hazelnut Brownies: A Healthy Easter Treat

These brownies are made with wholesome ingredients like hazelnut flour, coconut palm sugar, and blueberry compote, offering a healthier alternative to traditional brownies without sacrificing flavour. Plus, they're so easy to make, perfect for a stress-free Easter baking session.

Watch the video to learn how to make these irresistible treats and impress your friends and family with your baking skills this Easter!

P.S.: If you know you’re going to struggle with Easter indulgences or if you need support in getting your health back on track after a major loss, simply book a complimentary 30-minute call with me here. I’d love to help you feel the best you’ve felt for a long long time.