Welcome to my blog!

Here I am sharing everything I have learned about navigating grief as a bereaved partner by delving deep into modern research and the ancient healing wisdom of Ayurveda. By reading my articles, I hope you will find the answer to your questions about grief and how it impacts our health in many different ways. 

My hope is that by sharing my personal experience and learnings, you will feel less exhausted, overwhelmed and confused and gain all the understanding you need to start making simple yet important changes to your daily habits that will help you regain control of your health, and therefore, reclaim your life.

Remember, you're not alone on this journey. I'm here with you every step of the way.

Woman rubbing her eyes because of tiredness

Grieving is a natural response to the death of a loved one. What is less well known is that it triggers an emotional stress response which affects our whole body, not just our mind.

One area that is massively affected is our digestive system which means that we can have a dry mouth, difficulty swallowing, an upset stomach because food is not moving downwards, and all sorts of other digestive issues because of this stagnating food.

This compromised ability to digest our food well will eventually show up in signs and symptoms that are different for everybody depending on our age, previous health history, genetic make-up, and any additional exacerbating factors such as trauma.

Poor digestion due to emotional stress gradually depletes the body of nutrients which we need for energy. Stress also suppresses thyroid function which makes us feel even more run down. When we then consider that our brain uses 20% of the body's energy budget and our digestion requires another whooping 60% - and more when the body is under great stress - it is no wonder that grief turns us into ‘energy vampires’.

Without intervention, lack of energy can create a vicious cycle and lead to many health issues due to anaemia and poor thyroid function. The thyroid needs iron above all plus a whole range of other vitamins and minerals to function well.  

So, how can we improve the breakdown of food and the absorption of key nutrients when we are grieving?

First and foremost, by keeping things simple. Here are my 10 top tips that cost little time, effort or money:

  1. Sip warm water or herbal tea (ideally fresh ginger tea) throughout the day. When our body is dehydrated, it cannot process food properly.
  2. Breathe deeply into your tummy before and after a meal. This will increase your digestive strength by up to 25%.
  3. Eat in a stress-free environment away from any screens and take your time to chew your food well.
  4. Chew a handful of fennel seeds if you have any difficulty swallowing or a heavy feeling / any discomfort in your stomach. It helps to relax the smooth muscles that propel food through your digestive system.
  5. Eat three meals at about the same time each day. Routine is key for good digestion!
  6. Only eat when you are truly hungry. We often confuse thirst, discomfort of any kind or our need for comfort with hunger.
  7. Gradually reduce eating processed foods such as ready-made meals, sandwiches, cured meats, sausages, pizza, French fries, cakes, or sugar-laden cereals. They are all difficult to digest and make you literally feel …crap.
  8. Eat easy-to-digest meals such as stewed apples with fresh ginger, carrot soup with chicken, blended vegetable & red lentil soups, or any kind of slow-cooked stew.
  9. Spice things up! Spices also make us enjoy our meals more by adding lots of flavour. My absolute favourites are fresh ginger, garlic, fennel and cumin seeds.
  10. Start your day with my coconut water-banana smoothie to boost your energy. It contains all the nutrients you need, can be varied every day and it is also a great pick-me-up for afternoon slumps. Here's the recipe:

All we need to recover our energy is the right food and some simple practices that we can easily incorporate into our daily routine. And as a ‘side-effect’, these will also help boost our mood and balance our emotions. An easy win on all fronts! 😊

Would you like me to show you how quick and easy it is to prepare this smoothie? Watch a video demonstration right here.